Eagles Basketball (H-P)
In the early 90’s the Yellowknife High Performance Girls Basketball Program was created to help athletes develop their basketball skills and play at a competitive level. Over the years this program has evolved with different names and goals all while producing post-secondary athletes. Since the 90’s there has also been a number of grass root programs that have helped develop girls’ basketball in the Territory; B&B Youth Hoops, Steve Nash Youth Basketball, Go (Girls Only) Basketball and Jr. NBA. The Eagles Club Basketball Program is a product of all these programs and hard work of dedicated volunteers.
Although every program follows the club’s values and goals, each program caters to the specific age group and is designed to help athletes grow. As athletes move up in age throughout the club there is more of a focus on competitiveness.
U13 or Grade 6-7
This program is designed for athletes who are first time basketball players or who have been playing basketball through younger grass roots programs. There is a high focus on skill development and fundamental work in this age group. The program also begins to focus on simple offensive and defensive philosophies. This age group typically travels once or twice a year.
U15 or Grade 8-9
This Program is designed for athletes who are seeking to increase their basketball skills and play in an increased competitive environment. There is an even balance between fundamental work, skill development, offensive and defensive philosophies. This team typically travels 2-3 times a year.
U19 or Grade 10-12
This program is designed for athletes who are looking to increase their skills and are serious about basketball. There will be a high level of focus on offensive and defensive philosophies, team play and skill development. The program will have athletes with a wide range of goals including athletes who want to represent the territory and a national level and play basketball in post-secondary. This team will play regular games in the community and travel 3-4 times a year.
Contact Information
To register for tryouts or for more information, please visit the Eagles website: eaglesball.ca
Email: ykeaglesball@gmail.com